Environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use

including environmentally sustainable agriculture; environmentally sustainable animal husbandry; climate smart farm inputs such as biological crop protection or drip-irrigation; environmentally sustainable fishery and aquaculture; environmentally-sustainable forestry, including afforestation or reforestation, and preservation or restoration of natural landscapes

Implement tree management and relocation

Example of applications:

  • Installation of tree sensor
  • Development of a database for tree monitoring and risk assessment, e.g. web-based and mobile applications, use GIS to locate trees needing remedial treatment

Low Cost applications:

  • Landscape plan to indicate information such as location, implementation programme, maintenance schedule, drawings of the landscape, visual impact and mitigation measures
  • Regular tree inspection/surveys using qualified professionals
  • Tree transplantation on site instead of using an offsite nursery, to create less disturbance to habitats
Contribute to BEAM Plus, Public Works [recommended]
Action Party Public Authorities, Developers, Contractors
Implementation Level Fundamental
Project Type Civil, Building